What is the Median Income of Richmond, Kentucky? A Comprehensive Overview

Richmond, Kentucky is a city with a population of 33,533 people, according to the 2019 US Census. The median household income in Richmond, KY is $41,945, which is lower than the national average of $61,937. The following graph shows households in Richmond, Kentucky, distributed among a number of income groups compared to the national averages for each group. If a family's total income is below the family's threshold, that family and all of its people are considered to live in poverty. The top universities in Richmond, Kentucky, are Eastern Kentucky University (3,594 degrees awarded in 2002) and the Medical Career & Technical College (102 degrees). The table below shows how the average household income in Richmond, KY compares with that of its neighboring geographies and parent companies. This chart shows the breakdown of stocks in major industries for residents of Richmond, Kentucky, although some of these residents may live in Richmond, KY and work elsewhere.

The map below shows all locations in Richmond, Kentucky, colored by their median household income (total). This visualization illustrates the percentage of students who graduate with a bachelor's degree in schools in Richmond, KY, based on their major. The following table shows the percentages of U. S.

citizenship in Richmond, KY compared to its neighboring geographies and matrices. The largest universities in Richmond, Kentucky, by number of degrees awarded are Eastern Kentucky University (3,594 and 97.2%) and the Medical Career & Technical College (102 and 2.76%). The table below the paragraph shows property taxes in Richmond, Kentucky, compared to its parent and neighboring geographies. The chart below shows households in Richmond, Kentucky, distributed among a number of car-ownership groups compared to the national averages for each group. The homeownership rate in Richmond, Kentucky is 36.4%, roughly equal to the national average of 64.6%.The table below shows how the percentage of people without insurance in Richmond, KY changed over time compared to the percentage of people enrolled in various types of health insurance. None of the households in Richmond, Kentucky reported speaking a language other than English at home as their shared primary language.

Car ownership in Richmond, KY is about the same as the national average with an average of 2 cars per household. This chart shows the percentage of homeowners in Richmond, KY compared to the main and neighboring geographies. Richmond, Kentucky has a median household income that is lower than the national average. However, it has a number of universities that offer degrees and a variety of industries that provide employment opportunities for its residents. It also has a relatively high homeownership rate and access to health insurance for its citizens. In conclusion, it can be seen that while Richmond has a lower median household income than the national average it still offers many opportunities for its citizens.

It has several universities offering degrees and a variety of industries providing employment opportunities. Additionally it has a high homeownership rate and access to health insurance for its citizens.

Joel Sherley
Joel Sherley

Unapologetic creator. Unapologetic zombie geek. Avid internet aficionado. Evil zombie buff. Hipster-friendly beer buff.