What is the Ethnicity of Richmond, Kentucky?

Richmond, Kentucky is a city with a diverse population. According to the most recent census data, the most commonly reported ancestries in Richmond are German, Irish, English, American, and Scottish. The table below shows how the percentage of people without insurance in Richmond, KY has changed over time compared to the percentage of people enrolled in various types of health insurance. An estimated 96.80% of Richmond's residents are native-born Americans, Puerto Ricans, or citizens of the United States.

The largest universities in Richmond, Kentucky are Eastern Kentucky University (3,594 degrees awarded in 2002) and the Medical Career & Technical College (102 degrees).An estimated 51.1% of Richmond residents over the age of 15 have never been married, compared to a third of all Americans in the same age group. With 36,129 inhabitants, Richmond is the seventh most populated city in the state of Kentucky out of a total of 549 cities. The largest universities in Richmond, Kentucky by number of degrees awarded are Eastern Kentucky University (3,594 and 97.2%) and the Medical Career & Technical College (102 and 2.76%).In Richmond, 6.5% of the civilian population aged 18 and over are veterans, compared to 7.5% of the adult civilian population of the entire country and 8% of the civilian population of all of Kentucky. Richmond is a city with a rich cultural heritage that is reflected in its population. According to census data, German, Irish, English, American and Scottish are the most commonly reported ancestries in Richmond.

Additionally, 96.80% of Richmond's residents are native-born Americans or citizens of the United States. The largest universities in Richmond are Eastern Kentucky University and Medical Career & Technical College. In 2002, Eastern Kentucky University awarded 3,594 degrees while Medical Career & Technical College awarded 102 degrees. An estimated 51.1% of Richmond residents over 15 years old have never been married compared to a third of all Americans in the same age group.

With 36,129 inhabitants, Richmond is the seventh most populated city in Kentucky out of 549 cities. In addition to its diverse population, Richmond also has a large veteran population with 6.5% of its civilian population aged 18 and over being veterans compared to 7.5% for all adult civilians in the United States and 8% for all civilians in Kentucky.

Joel Sherley
Joel Sherley

Unapologetic creator. Unapologetic zombie geek. Avid internet aficionado. Evil zombie buff. Hipster-friendly beer buff.